
Ink and Independence.         Block printing: a force for female empowerment!

Ink and Independence. Block printing: a...

Ink and Independence. Block printing: a force for female empowerment! Every time I travel to India, I discover something new to fall in love with and most recently it was...

Ink and Independence. Block printing: a...

Ink and Independence. Block printing: a force for female empowerment! Every time I travel to India, I discover something new to fall in love with and most recently it was...

Searching for Shanti

Searching for Shanti

My first trip to India was 10 years ago and it was a full assault on the senses. The colour, the noise, the taste, the smell but mostly the people...

Searching for Shanti

My first trip to India was 10 years ago and it was a full assault on the senses. The colour, the noise, the taste, the smell but mostly the people...